Alan Marcell


A passionate programer who loves to learn

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Alan Marcell de Oliveira



Professional Goal

Tech Leader - Node Backend Dev - JS/TS Fullstack Dev

Preferred Technologies

NodeJS, GraphQL, Docker, ES6, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, React, React Native, Redux, Detox, Cypress, Jest.

Preferred Methodologies

Event Oriented Architecture, Serverless, Micro-services, Functional Programming, Test Driven Design (TDD), Clean Code, Mobile First, Agile

Preferred Tools

Visual Studio Code, Bitbucket, Manjaro Linux, MacOS, Oh-My-Fish, Netlify, Bitrise, Dynatrace, JMeter

Professional experience

F3 Capital

Tech Lead - Backend Developer - 01/03/2022 - Current

Full Private Pension Software as a Service that have a high level processes customization feature called Engine of Rules, allowing the clients to apply their own business rules natively, without the need of code customization.

Julius Baer Family Office

Fullstack Engineer - 01/05/2021 - 30/04/2022

In this project, our goal was to unify the user experience of two acquired family office companies, GPS and Reliance, building a web and mobile application using React Native Web and a REST API written with Typescrypt/NodeJS as a api gateway.


Fullstack Engineer - 20/04/2020 - 30/04/2021

Natura - Global Sales Platform - Technical Evolutions Squad

In this squad our main goals was to increase performance and resilience while decreasing the infrastructure cost. The initial apdex was 0.79 and after 6 months of technical evolutions it reached 0.96, while reducing the infrastructure cost by around 5%.

Amodev - Associate Consultant - Crop control and evaluation tool

Fullstack Engineer - 01/11/2017 – Current

Crop control and evaluation cross-platform application developed in React Native

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DONG - De olho na gôndola

Fullstack Engineer - 01/03/2019 – 01/09/2019

Trade marketing application with geolocated GPS, dynamic data collection backoffice controlled, visit history, etc.

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bitPreço / Simulador Clube Bitcoin - Cripto Currency Marketplace and Simulator

Front-end Architect - 06/2018 – 10/2018

Initially an crypto coins exchange project which eventually turned into a market place of crypto coins. Also counts with the Club Bitcoin Simulator, a simulator for the crypto currencies market.

Devires Tecnologia

Fullstack Engineer - 01/08/2019 - 27/03/2020

QSaúde Web Ecommerce Portal

Web portal for health plan adherence

QSaúde Mobile Application

Application for health plan with features such as telemedicine, appointment scheduling, map of hospitals, offices and laboratories, personal health questionnaire among other features

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Digital Business Integration Analyst - 01/08/2017 – 01/11/2017

Vai de Visa - Visa’s campaign web app

FCamara Training and Consulting

Fullstack Developer - 07/04/2017 – 09/06/2017


Integration Platform

Trainee - 07/12/2016 – 07/04/2017

Bematech GDI

App in Ionic 2 for POS Report Management

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**ASP.NET E-commerce performance analysis**

Winner of the Big Hackaton-ONU at Campus Party 10 - Health Keeper Project

Ângelo Ocanã Consulting and Training

Trainee - 13/04/2016 – 13/10/2016

Staffgeist - Web App for Workplace Assessment

Reorder IT Consulting

Support Analyst - 19/08/2016 – 13/06/2016

Tier III Data Center Support: T-Systems: Backup tape management, physical server and infrastructure monitoring, incident and change validation, technical follow-up, installation and uninstallation of equipment, receipt and shipment of equipment, among other duties.

VIP Systems

Support Analyst - 02/2013 - 06/2013

Support for systems developed in the company, such as access control, cash systems, RFID technology, etc. Maintenance and assembly of equipment for customers and commercial demonstrations, including RFID equipment.

Sitel Brasil

Support Analyst - 12/2012 - 02/2013

Service and support for Lenovo equipment warranty.



Analysis and Systems Development

Fatec Carapicuiba

02/2016 – 12/2016

02/2013 – 06/2013

Web Design

ITB Maria Sylvia Chaluppe Mello

07/2012 - 12/2012

High School

Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo

Teens Office Course

Microcamp Barueri

01/2003 - 07/2004

